Monday, October 5, 2009

Top 5 Most Memorable Video Game Toilets

Toilets.The most reliable household appliance ever created.You don't need to mess about with tangled wiring.You don't need to upgrade it with graphics cards and OSes and other fancy parts.It doesn't take long to load or refresh.It doesn't boggle your mind with 100 useless channels.In fact,it has only one use.However,what it lacks in function it makes up for in substance.Unfortunately,the commode would be the last thing anyone would ever choose to bring to a deserted island behind the more popular computer.Now,you can visit the loo on the screen.Just don't try to go on it.Urine and electricity don't mix.

#5. Doom

In his novel 2001:A Space Odyssey,Isaac Asimov predicted that by the turn of the 21st century,men would have left Earth for the final frontier:space.It seemed plausible at that time,and it fueled many a child's dreams to be a scientist.Fast forward to 2009 and suddenly Isaac's credibility kinda decreased together with the dreams of the many now old scientists.Therefore it is no surprise to discover that although men have started living on planet Mars in the game Doom,nobody has come up with a better design for the john.

#4. System Shock 2

SHODAN,the master computer gone rogue of the brilliant System Shock 2 game hurled many hurtful insults directed towards me.It took the lives of my innocent fellow shipmates.It threw countless annoyingly tough enemies in my path.And yet,I forgive it.But I will never forgive the prick who took a dump on the floor right in front of the perfectly clean and functional bowl.Asshole!

#3. Redneck Rampage

Redneck Rampage was a terrible game,but at least it was a break from the usual sci-fi fare in most FPSes.And how refreshing it was to see an actual outhouse on the map.I did not finish the game,but I spent 20 minutes trying to shoot the flies hovering around the place.

#2. The Sims

It's funny how reluctant we are to clean our toilets in real life,but do it incessantly in the game when we found out it increases the Cleaning skill.Don't lie,I know many of you sick folks bought this game and activated the nude cheat to get rid of the motion blurs.Besides being a key element in various jobs like the Medicine career path,you can also move and place the toilets anywhere in the house,even your bedroom.Energy spent walking to the loo cut 50%.

#1. Duke Nukem 3D

This is one of the very few games where the enemies actually use the commode.Shoot down the stall doors and you're faced with your local alien thinking deep thoughts while expelling the contents of his stomach.Hint,destroy the toilets and drink the water to receive a health boost!Finally,we now know why Rover loves drinking out of the john!

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