Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shaddap,Foo! Tristan is shocked to discover that Zootfly,who had a hand in the development of the recent Ghostbusters game,will create a series of games based on the Mr T graphic novels.Lost for words,Tristan instead copied and pasted this statement from the website: "The games will feature knuckle-whitening action-adventure, furious brawler combat, gravity-defying platforming, and environmental puzzles. The first game will see Mr. T take on Nazis and their gigantic machines in the varied universe of South American rain forests, lost ancient cities, industrial complexes and contemporary military installations.

Along with Mr. T and other characters from the graphic novel, the game will feature none other than Will Wright. In this universe, Will Wright is not a top-notch game designer but a top-notch American geneticist who was kidnapped and coerced to work on a diabolic plan. Mr. T and Will Wright will join forces to annihilate the Nazis and their hardware."
For your information,Will Wright is the brains behind the Sims line of games.This is a serious contender for Best Tag Team in Any Videogame Ever award.
In other news,what is probably the industry's worst kept secret has been revealed and confirmed by Capcom.There will be a Marvel vs Capcom 2.This arcade favourite will be released on the Playstation Network and XBox Live Arcade*.As always with sequels,there will be some changes and new features to the game,among them:

- The game will be based on the Dreamcast code base. Obviously, it's the best version of the game as it uses the Naomi board to the extreme when compared to the inferior Xbox and PS2 emulations.

- You can fight online. Just like the remake of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, MvC2 will use the net code that made matchmaking and fights as lag-free as possible that was used on the Super Turbo Remix. Player match mode, lobby system, leaderboards: the upcoming port will have them.

- There is HD Upscaling. Remember how good MvC2 looked on the VGA cables of the Dreamcast? Well, Backbone will be doing their best to make the 10-year old game look as good as possible.But if you're old school, you are still able to use the "Classic" settings and leave all sprites unfiltered.

- Everyone is unlocked from the get-go. Which means there isn't any replaying bull-crap or saving issues. You want to pick Sentinel, Dan, Shuma-Gorath or one of Tron Bonne's Servobots from the start? Your wish is granted.

- You can turn the music off or use your own custom music from your hard drive.THANK GOD.

All gaming news courtesy of Gameaxis.Check out their awesome site!

*Playstation Network and XBox Live Arcade are the online markets accessible through their consoles which allow them to download games,movies,music and various other apps.

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